Moods & Location
The prices on this list are based on shooting in my Home country an city LUXEMBOURG, except if otherwise mentionned
Les prix de cette liste sont basés sur des séances photos dans mon pays et ville natale au Luxembourg, excepté si autrement mentionné
Die Preise dieser Liste sind basiert auf Shootings in meinem Heimatland und Stadt Luxemburg, ausser anders vermerkt.
Masterclass A day on the Beach
Experience a day with a model on a beach, learn how to use the sun as source of light and see how ou can manipulate it with reflectors. Learn how to use water and wind as an accessory.
Create stunning images with a topmodel.
Arrival Saturday April 11th, 2020 in the afternoon on your own disposal, sightseeing, location check, learn how to calculate the light.
Sunday April 12th, 2020 at 10:00 start, end 17:00
Hotel not included
Price 550.-€ per person, maximum 6 photographers
2 models, makeup Artist, Styling, snacks and drinks included
Shooting in Luxembourg held in 4 languages, french, english, german, luxemburgish