Moods & Location
The prices on this list are based on shooting in my Home country an city LUXEMBOURG, except if otherwise mentionned
Les prix de cette liste sont basés sur des séances photos dans mon pays et ville natale au Luxembourg, excepté si autrement mentionné
Die Preise dieser Liste sind basiert auf Shootings in meinem Heimatland und Stadt Luxemburg, ausser anders vermerkt.
March, 1st & 2nd 2020
Studio Yves Kortum & Leica Akademie Global
Come, see, test and feel the passion
Leica S3, Leica SL2, Leica M10, Leica M10 Monochrom
Day 1
March, 1st 2020 I 10:00-16:00 I additional picture editing 16:00-17:30
Masterclass Workshop at Studio Yves Kortum
1535 Creative Hub I 115 A rue Emile Mark I L-4620 Differdange
Workshops by Yves Kortum and Oliver Vogler (Leica Akademie Global)
Learn how to use Flashlight and Dedolight by using the different systems
Leica S, Leica SL, Leica M and their optics in the studio with 2 models
Price per photographer 300,- € I max. 6 photographers
2 professional models I Make-up Artist I Styling
Each photographer will have the chance to shoot the Models with the Leica Camera system of his choice
Day 2
March, 2nd 2020 I 10:00-16:00 I additional picture editing 16:00-17:30
Exclusive Masterclass workshop by Yves Kortum & Oliver Vogler (Leica Akademie Global)
Warehouse Paul Würth Fond de Gras I 2, Fond-de-Gras, 4576 Niederkorn
Learn how to use Daylight, Flashlight and Dedolight in one day
by using the different systems Leica S, Leica SL, Leica M and their optics on location with 2 models
Price per photographer 500,- € I max. 8 photographers I 2 different sets
You can use the Leica portfolio and try all of them
2 professional models I Make-up Artist I Styling
If you book both days, price 690.-€ for both days
Masterclass held in 4 languages, french, english, german or luxemburgish
Studio Yves Kortum @ 1535 DIFFERDANGE