Moods & Location
The prices on this list are based on shooting in my Home country an city LUXEMBOURG, except if otherwise mentionned
Les prix de cette liste sont basés sur des séances photos dans mon pays et ville natale au Luxembourg, excepté si autrement mentionné
Die Preise dieser Liste sind basiert auf Shootings in meinem Heimatland und Stadt Luxemburg, ausser anders vermerkt.
Masterclass Workshop and individual Model-sharing/teaching with Topmodel Mescaline from Bresil and Yves Kortum
make stunning images with Top female lingerie Model Mescaline from Bresil
On Saturday June 20th and Sunday June 21st, 2020 from 10:00 AM ° Shooting Event-Model-Sharing
DAY 1 Saturday June 20th, 2020
Yves Kortum will guide you through a Workshop in the 1900 'épicerie' in Fond de Gras.
Work with Day and artificial light
Price for the day 400.-€
maximum 6 places
Make-up, styling, Mescaline Model, pizza, fine lingerie and hot Latex, topless, artistic Nude.. Rights to publish the photos on a non commercial basis included in the price.
DAY 2 Sunday June 21st, 2020
Model-Sharin and teaching with Top female lingerie Model Mescaline from Bresil and you as a photographer alone. You can shoot in Studio Yves Kortum or in the locations around 1535 Creative Hub. Book 1-2 hours or more alone with the Model and Yves as a support and assistant to guide you with the light.
Price for 1 hours alone with Yves and Mescaline 200.-€
2 hours 300.-€