Moods & Location
The prices on this list are based on shooting in my Home country an city LUXEMBOURG, except if otherwise mentionned
Les prix de cette liste sont basés sur des séances photos dans mon pays et ville natale au Luxembourg, excepé si autrement mentionné
Die Preise dieser Liste sind basiert auf Shootings in meinem Heimatland und Stadt Luxemburg, ausser anders vermerkt.
Photo - event with 6 Models
make stunning images with 6 Top female lingerie Models on 3 different sets and realize at the end your own photo with the 6 models together
Dark Art Studios in collaboration with Yves Kortum on Sunday February 2nd, 2020 from 10:00 AM ° Shooting Event-Model-Sharing
6 NEW Models, 3 complete new Light settings and backrounds and new lingerie.
Yves Kortum will set up 3 different stages with always a Duo and will guide you through this event, gives you tips, guides the models aso.. There will be different groups of photographers.
Each photographer will be able to shoot with Duo, single Models and the group. Professional Makeup and styling provided, lingerie, latex...
From 10:00 til 14:00 you shoot the Duo’s from 14:15-16:00 you shoot single models, from 16-17:00 we will set up a photo with the 6 models together, so you can make your own Victoria secret Model photo.
6 female Models in fine lingerie and hot Latex
Price for the day 295.-€ (maximum 15 places, groups of 5 per set up and per 2 Models) Make-up, styling, 6 Models, barbecue, fine lingerie and hot Latex.. Rights to publish the photos on a non commercial basis included in the price.
Masterclass held in 4 languages, french, english, german or luxemburgish
Dark Art Studios Niedercorn Zone industriel Hahneboesch L-4562 Differdange